Saturday, July 28, 2012

Oh I Wish......

I were coming here with a beach update but unfortunately NOT :(
I haven't been to the beach in over a month now and life is just not fair. lol
We went to Nebraska in June for 9 days with my 15 year old who was on a 4-H Shooting competition team so that took up some time.....and needless to say mulah! Then the 2 boys have football conditioning EVERY darn day so there goes the weekdays. We went scalloping  a few weeks ago so I did get to enjoy some water fun. But I am planning a weekend vacay to the beach in the next few weeks before we start shrimping season and school.
I just found out some friends of mine read my Squidoo lens at
and decided to try out all my favorite places at Flagler Beach. Well, I say friends but I may just trade them in because I wasn't invited :(  Now you tell me what kind of friends go to the beach- your favorite spot of all places and forget to tell you? Doesn't sound fair, does it?? *sigh*
So Amanda and Pam I AM looking for your replacement!

Until I have a beach update, enjoy this picture from Flagler Beach in June.