Monday, August 27, 2012

Check Out My Squidoo Lens

You may not know what a Squidoo Lens is but I'll try and explain.............

Squidoo is a website that hosts hundreds of thousands hand built webpages. Lenses are one person's views on a subject whether it be sports, crafts, vacation places, etc. You can write a Squidoo lens on ANYTHING like recipes, how-tos, businesses, etc. Lenses pay royalties to hundreds of charities each year. 
Ok, I am so good at desfcribing so you can Google it. ha

Anywho, I built a lens about Flagler Beach, Florida and on it I give my opinion on local motels, restaurants, bars, and I also give ideas on what to do while in Flagler Beach.

So if you are planning a vacation to Florida, I'd highly recommend visiting Flagler Beach but start off visiting my lens. You will find a LOT of helpful information. ENJOY!!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

We're back home :(
But before we left the beach we had a pleasant and peaceful walk around the pier and visited a few shops I've been wanting to visit. A cute little surf shop that is stocked to the ceilings with everything from surfboards to bathing suits. I LOVED that shop!! While in there I bought myself an anklet.....very rare for me because I never buy myself anything! The name of the shop is Z Wave Surf Shop and if you visit Flagler Beach, I'd recommend stopping in.

My brother brought us lunch to the motel (Flagler Beach Motel)- good ol' Mickey D's. We sat at the picnic table eating and chatting until the rain started. We sat in the room for a minutes then they left and me, the husband, and son went sight-seeing. People probably think we're real tourists because even though I have been there too many times to count and I was born and raised in Florida, I still act like a tourist with my camera hanging around my neck. hehehe
We took Breydon on the pier- he's never walked the pier and we enjoyed the wind, the crashing of the waves and watching a young man surfing. The waves were crazy and crashing against the pier and you could actually feel the pier sway.....not a good feeling when you're at the very end of it.

Once we spent an hour there we headed to our favorite pizza shop (Rocky's) and had some grub. 
We've been thinking of opening a little shop on the beach ( a dream of mine) and we rode around and found a few spaces for rent that would be perfect for me!! Now I just need to win the lotto and my dream will come true! But ONE DAY I will own a beachside gift store called Stolen Moments Beach Gifts............
Now we're home and I am wishing I was back, laid up in the wonderful motel- Flagler Beach Vacation Rentals- and doing nothing!
Here's a few more pictures from this trip..........Hope you enjoy as much as I do!!
Happy Beaches To You!

Taken on the Flagler Beach Pier

Here's the young man we enjoyed watching

Me and my son enjoying the pool

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Ahhhh.....FINALLY made it to Flagler Beach!!
Not the best of weather since we have a hurricane brewing in the Gulf but on the east coast it's not too bad.
And at this point I wouldn't care if the hurricane was on the east coast. I NEEDED a get-a-way!
My husband and I and our 12 year old heading out this morning and got here around 2pm.
The waves are huge, the wind is bad, and no swimming on parts of the beach.
We took a 2 hour walk along the beach picking up seashells as went along.....ONE DAY I will eventually start making beach jewelry with all the shells I get. But that's in the future.
I took lots of pictures and will use them on my customized products at Stolen Moments Beach Photography
We walked to the pier for a little bit and I took lots more pictures while my son played in the waves and my husband stood patiently waiting. He's the best hubby EVER!! He is the reason I am at my favorite motel at my favorite beach. He knows just how to relieve my stress!! It is amazing what the beach can do for your sole. Ooops got off back on track...........
I took some cool shots of the Flagler Beach pier. I'll post some later.
We walked back to the motel and played in the pool for a few hours where I whooped my son at pool volleyball :D My brother, his wife, and kids came to visit. We sat around the motel then went to Sally's Icecream shop where we ate the BEST chili cheese dog! Then we finished the night with some awesome icream! Mmmm
My son went home to stay with his cousin, hubby went to bed, and here I sit in this comfy bed playing with the pictures I took today. This is my favorite because it has my son in it. I just LOVE him!! He's my only one of 3 that loves the beach as much as his momma. He's my little fish ;)
Well, I am going to play around with some more pictures.
Happy Beaches To You!