Monday, August 27, 2012

Check Out My Squidoo Lens

You may not know what a Squidoo Lens is but I'll try and explain.............

Squidoo is a website that hosts hundreds of thousands hand built webpages. Lenses are one person's views on a subject whether it be sports, crafts, vacation places, etc. You can write a Squidoo lens on ANYTHING like recipes, how-tos, businesses, etc. Lenses pay royalties to hundreds of charities each year. 
Ok, I am so good at desfcribing so you can Google it. ha

Anywho, I built a lens about Flagler Beach, Florida and on it I give my opinion on local motels, restaurants, bars, and I also give ideas on what to do while in Flagler Beach.

So if you are planning a vacation to Florida, I'd highly recommend visiting Flagler Beach but start off visiting my lens. You will find a LOT of helpful information. ENJOY!!

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