Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Beach Bound In 3 Days

Well, it is about time to hit the beach for my BIG 4-0 birthday bash!!

I have had this trip planned for months and months and the time is almost here.
I am so flipping excited to be spending 3 days at my favorite beach at my favorite motel with my favorite people.

My bestfriend, Anna Lee, came down from Kentucky to spend 5 weeks, my parents are going, and of course my beautiful children and granddaughter......oh and can't forget my #1 person- my hubby!! It is going to be so fun and relaxing. We're getting down there early Friday, gonna check in the motel, then hit the beach wide open. Friday night, we're gonna eat my favorite place- High Tides @ Snack Jacks. Saturday we'll spend the day at the beach then have a cookout that night. Our friends Steven and Jo are suppose to come and have fun with us on Saturday.

We rented the big 2 bedroom apart at Flagler Beach Vacation Rentals and I can't wait to experience that. We're gonna have a room full of people so it should be FUN!

Well, that's about it for now. I'll start packing our stuff tomorrow and sit and wait patiently!!

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