Monday, August 27, 2012

Check Out My Squidoo Lens

You may not know what a Squidoo Lens is but I'll try and explain.............

Squidoo is a website that hosts hundreds of thousands hand built webpages. Lenses are one person's views on a subject whether it be sports, crafts, vacation places, etc. You can write a Squidoo lens on ANYTHING like recipes, how-tos, businesses, etc. Lenses pay royalties to hundreds of charities each year. 
Ok, I am so good at desfcribing so you can Google it. ha

Anywho, I built a lens about Flagler Beach, Florida and on it I give my opinion on local motels, restaurants, bars, and I also give ideas on what to do while in Flagler Beach.

So if you are planning a vacation to Florida, I'd highly recommend visiting Flagler Beach but start off visiting my lens. You will find a LOT of helpful information. ENJOY!!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

We're back home :(
But before we left the beach we had a pleasant and peaceful walk around the pier and visited a few shops I've been wanting to visit. A cute little surf shop that is stocked to the ceilings with everything from surfboards to bathing suits. I LOVED that shop!! While in there I bought myself an anklet.....very rare for me because I never buy myself anything! The name of the shop is Z Wave Surf Shop and if you visit Flagler Beach, I'd recommend stopping in.

My brother brought us lunch to the motel (Flagler Beach Motel)- good ol' Mickey D's. We sat at the picnic table eating and chatting until the rain started. We sat in the room for a minutes then they left and me, the husband, and son went sight-seeing. People probably think we're real tourists because even though I have been there too many times to count and I was born and raised in Florida, I still act like a tourist with my camera hanging around my neck. hehehe
We took Breydon on the pier- he's never walked the pier and we enjoyed the wind, the crashing of the waves and watching a young man surfing. The waves were crazy and crashing against the pier and you could actually feel the pier sway.....not a good feeling when you're at the very end of it.

Once we spent an hour there we headed to our favorite pizza shop (Rocky's) and had some grub. 
We've been thinking of opening a little shop on the beach ( a dream of mine) and we rode around and found a few spaces for rent that would be perfect for me!! Now I just need to win the lotto and my dream will come true! But ONE DAY I will own a beachside gift store called Stolen Moments Beach Gifts............
Now we're home and I am wishing I was back, laid up in the wonderful motel- Flagler Beach Vacation Rentals- and doing nothing!
Here's a few more pictures from this trip..........Hope you enjoy as much as I do!!
Happy Beaches To You!

Taken on the Flagler Beach Pier

Here's the young man we enjoyed watching

Me and my son enjoying the pool

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Ahhhh.....FINALLY made it to Flagler Beach!!
Not the best of weather since we have a hurricane brewing in the Gulf but on the east coast it's not too bad.
And at this point I wouldn't care if the hurricane was on the east coast. I NEEDED a get-a-way!
My husband and I and our 12 year old heading out this morning and got here around 2pm.
The waves are huge, the wind is bad, and no swimming on parts of the beach.
We took a 2 hour walk along the beach picking up seashells as went along.....ONE DAY I will eventually start making beach jewelry with all the shells I get. But that's in the future.
I took lots of pictures and will use them on my customized products at Stolen Moments Beach Photography
We walked to the pier for a little bit and I took lots more pictures while my son played in the waves and my husband stood patiently waiting. He's the best hubby EVER!! He is the reason I am at my favorite motel at my favorite beach. He knows just how to relieve my stress!! It is amazing what the beach can do for your sole. Ooops got off back on track...........
I took some cool shots of the Flagler Beach pier. I'll post some later.
We walked back to the motel and played in the pool for a few hours where I whooped my son at pool volleyball :D My brother, his wife, and kids came to visit. We sat around the motel then went to Sally's Icecream shop where we ate the BEST chili cheese dog! Then we finished the night with some awesome icream! Mmmm
My son went home to stay with his cousin, hubby went to bed, and here I sit in this comfy bed playing with the pictures I took today. This is my favorite because it has my son in it. I just LOVE him!! He's my only one of 3 that loves the beach as much as his momma. He's my little fish ;)
Well, I am going to play around with some more pictures.
Happy Beaches To You!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Oh I Wish......

I were coming here with a beach update but unfortunately NOT :(
I haven't been to the beach in over a month now and life is just not fair. lol
We went to Nebraska in June for 9 days with my 15 year old who was on a 4-H Shooting competition team so that took up some time.....and needless to say mulah! Then the 2 boys have football conditioning EVERY darn day so there goes the weekdays. We went scalloping  a few weeks ago so I did get to enjoy some water fun. But I am planning a weekend vacay to the beach in the next few weeks before we start shrimping season and school.
I just found out some friends of mine read my Squidoo lens at
and decided to try out all my favorite places at Flagler Beach. Well, I say friends but I may just trade them in because I wasn't invited :(  Now you tell me what kind of friends go to the beach- your favorite spot of all places and forget to tell you? Doesn't sound fair, does it?? *sigh*
So Amanda and Pam I AM looking for your replacement!

Until I have a beach update, enjoy this picture from Flagler Beach in June.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Listening To The Waves Crash Ashore

I am sitting outside my motel room at my FAVORITE motel- Flagler Beach Motel and Vacation Rentals- with my 12 year old son at 1am listening to the waves crash ashore across the street. I love that sound!! It's very peaceful and invigorating. It's very quiet here- I guess all the guests are snuggled in their bed....not me and Breydon. We're enjoying the  the nice ocean breeze. I am blogging and he's fooling with his iPod he just bought- it took us forever hours to figure out how to get it to work. But he's a happy camper now.
My aunt and uncle flew down from Ohio and we're spending the weekend with them. The weather is not the sunny Florida weather we're used to- it's been rainy for days now. But we're hoping to get some beach time in tomorrow before the rains come in.
I haven't seen my aunt and uncle in years so rain or not it's great just to spend some time with them. I love them dearly and wish we all lived closer.
We met at my brother's house and we all ate dinner, the kids, played and we just enjoyed eachother's company. We came to the motel and took a little trip down to the beach at around 11pm. It's pretty dark down there but the ocean is still beautiful. We came back and my son and niece took a dip in the pool while me, aunt Betty and uncle Mike sat poolside just catching up and talking about old time. Then it was shower and now outside. Hubby is already sleeping....he can be a party pooper sometimes.
Well, I am off of here to enjoy a few minutes of nothing.
See ya later..........

Ohhhhhh and if you're looking for a great motel- I call them efficiency apartments- you need to check out Flagler Beach Motel!! YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED!! I would NOT stay any other place!!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Beach Trip Planned!!

My aunt and uncle are coming down to Flagler Beach from Ohio next weekend and they loved the pictures I posted of the Flagler Beach Motel so much that they booked a room there :D So we are also spending the weekend with them. YAY!!! I haven't seen them since my grandpa died about 8 years ago so I am excited about seeing them and spending the weekend at the beach.

We can't really afford it but I am gonna make it happen!! This will be the last beach trip until the end of June. We leave for Nebraska in 2 weeks (from today) and will be gone for 2-3 weeks. And as soon as I get back and save some money for a week or 2 me and my boys are gonna go and spend about 3 days or so.

Being at the beach is one of the the things I love the most.......aside from my children of course!! The beach brings an overwhelming peace to me. I just really can't describe it.

Well, while you wait to see more pics from next weekend, here's a few from the past.
And these pictures are available on customizable products from my Zazzle store, Stolen Moments Beach Photography 

This is one of my all-time favorites!! I love the angle of this!! This photo was taken at Flagler Beach earlier in the year.
Not a Flagler Beach Photo but one from Daytona Beach during spring break 2012. So peaceful!!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Beach Withdrawals

Well, unfortunately there was no beach for this momma for Mother's Day which means no new beach pictures from Flagler. I was very sad not to go but I have a son who couldn't go and I didn't want to leave him home momma-less for Mother's Day. He may be 20 years old but he's still my "baby".

I am not sure when the next trip will be since we are saving all of our money to take a trip to Nebraska in June. My 15 year old son is going to a National 4-H Shooting Competition.....because he is good like that ;) He will be shooting in the muzzle loader competition and we will be gone for a few weeks. Taking a detour to kentucky to pick up my friend and she will take the 2nd leg with me. On the wy back we'll probably stay a few days with her. And unfortunately there's no beach in Nebraska :( Did I already write that in another blog??
I just may sneak off one Sunday before we leave and get me some beach time and a nice tan (well add to the tan I already have) before going west.

I'll get some more pictures soon......hopefully.
In the meantime check out some pictures from Flagler Beach and a few other beaches around Florida at my Zazzle Store- Stolen Moments Beach Photography

Have a blessed day and see ya soon................

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Mother's Day at Flagler Beach?

I am thinking a big fat YES!!! It just dawned on me a few hours ago that Mother's Day is coming up- in one week. And what better gift can my husband and boys give me? A Mother's Day at the beach :D
I dream of living at the beach and waking up to a beautiful sunrise that is coming up over the horizon while sitting outside the beautiful motel Flagler Beach Suites. Yep, the motel is nice enough to live in. My husband said, the first time we stayed there, "ya know I could retire here and live right here in this motel". The rooms are nice enough to live in.....believe me.
So I figured while I am sitting here dreaming of the beach I would share some of my photographs from Flagler Beach. Enjoy!
This is one of my favorites of the Flagler Beach Pier. This was taken the weekend me and my husband vacationed there for our 14th year anniversary. It was a great way. But anyway, we had paid to walk on the pier (which is only a buck fifty by the way).....we no longer paid for our tickets and took about 20 steps and the rain came pouring down!! We rushed back to entrance, which is an A shaped building and within 5 minutes the hail started. We were stuck. Lightening all around, the rain blowing in on us....a little scary actually but we couldn't make it back to the truck so we had no where to go. I was trying to keep my camera dry but I looked out on the pier and seen a beautiful picture waiting to be taken. So here is the outcome.
Beach zazzle_print
This Flagler Beach Pier picture is available on many products from my shop Stolen Moments Beach Photography.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Another Fabulous Weekend

Well, my husband, our 12 year old, and I headed back to Flagler Beach this past weekend (April 28-29) for a short overnight stay. We once again stayed at our most favorite place- Flagler Beach Vacation Rentals. And once again it was a great experience. I found this little beachside motel while driving around one weekend. It was cute and looked clean. So we pulled in and asked about it and checked out the rooms and we were impressed. The "motel" which is more like a suite/efficiency apartment, had just reopened from being renovated. EVERYTHING is brand new!!! It is so cute and I am so glad we found it that day!! It offers a nice size pool too. For more information on Flagler Beach Vacation Rentals, visit my Squidoo Lens where I have lsited ALL details about this motel. It is very detailed and gives you all the info you should need. Follow this link......

Ok so back to our weekend- Our 15 year old chose to stay home this time- ya know because we're just not cool enough for him to hang with anymore. Gotta love teens :( So we headed out around 9am.....which is way too early for me! I am NOT a morning person. Even though it's only a 2 hour drive for us (we live in N. Central Florida) we didn't get there until around 12 or so. We checked in to our motel and then headed down to the beach- which is only a few steps away. We played some paddle ball, swam a little bit, watched a few dolphins play, soaked up some sun and just enjoyed a few hours of waves crashing ashore.

We headed back to the motel and chilled at the swimming pool for about an hour or so. We had so much and the water was nice and cool. After that we started heading to my brothers house (who lives in Palm Coast so right down the road). As we were about to turn on his road he called and said he wasn't home :( Maybe if he'd answer his phone once in a while we'd of known that.....gotta love little brothers! So we turned around, went back to the motel and got showers and decided it was time for some dinner.

We headed to our favorite spot- High Tides at Snack Jack. While we were waiting on our seats (I ALWAYS choose to eat outside on the porch) me and my son walked down the steps to the beach and searched for some seashells. Which you can find many in that area because it is kinda deserted and there's not many people taking all the good shells.

After about 15 minutes (that was quick) we were called to our seats andput in our order. This time around I chose the fried shrimp......which was a first. Can you delish!!!! Oh my goodness, it was the BEST shrimp I have ever eaten!! I also got the cole slaw that is amazing and the hushpuppies too. Oh and they have the best tea! Hubby and son chose the wings once again. And of course I smagged about 4 of them and they're also delish- dipped in ranch dressing of course! We got to watch the beautiful sun set behind us while sitting on the back porch enjoying our fabulous food! I can't say enough GOOD things about this restaurant. You can also read about Snack Jack on my Squidoo Lens- I told you it's all about Flagler Beach :D SO run now and check it out......well wait until you're done reading this forever long blog post. hehe

Once we left Snack Jack, we headed to my brother's, who has now decided to come home. My 12 year old was on my last nerve about going over there.....he loves him some uncle Robbie! So we chatted on the back porch until about 12:30 and decided to head back to the Flagler Beach Motel. BUT wait.....we get to the front lawn and chatted some more and the next thing we know it's after 1am. My son decided to stay the night with his it was just me and hubby time. Phew, he is snoring 30 seconds after his head hits the pillow! What a fun guy ;) I sit up until about 2am (yes I am a night owl) and decided I needed my beauty sleep so I think I fell asleep with the TV on.

The next morning my wonderful husband awoke around 10am and he got all the stuff packed up while I lay in the comfy bed and slept until 10:30. We headed to Burger King and got some lunch and then headed back down to the beach to meet my brother and his family (and my son of course). We just hung out at the beach all day playing paddle ball, football, and trying to drown the not really :D The water felt so great and it was like 90 degrees that day so we all got some sun.
We left around 4 and headed to the Flagler Pier to rinse off, change clothes and thend ecided to head to one of our other favorite eateries at Flagler Beach- Rocky's Pizzeria. M-M-M good!!! We got pizza and soda and once our belly's were full we started heading home :( Oh and guess what? YOU can read all about Rocky's on my Squiddo Lens. I told you it's all there :D By the way Rocky's has the best pizza!! But next time I am going to try some lasagna.

Well that's about it for that trip. There's definitely more to come because like I said we visit there often!!
Here's a beautiful picture of Flagler Beach that is available on customized greeting cards/note cards that I have made and you can purchase them from my Zazzle Shop that offers LOTS of beach pictures.

Beautiful Shoreline of Flagler Beach zazzle_card


Welcome to my new blog.

I absolutely love Flagler Beach, Florida and my family and I spend a lot of time there and I am going to use this as my own little journal. I will list great places to eat in Flagler Beach, the best places to stay, and all the other goodies.
I will post beautiful beach pictures that will be for sell on customized products, post updates of our trips there, and anything else that I want to talk about. Flagler Beach is a quaint little beach town and just the perfect place to spend a vacation. I suggest if you love the area or need info on good restaurants, places to stay, etc subscribe to this blog and stay up to date. This is new and will be updated often.
Thank you for visiting :D